Means to have great or the greatest success in a specific market
Means to wrongly care about the small details while not worrying about the larger challenges
Means to be in or out of the group of people that are informed and up-to-date
Means to be making a profit.
Means to provide just what is needed
Means something that will most likely occur
Means a job requiring little work for good pay, benefits etc.
Means the last action which causes someone to reach their breaking point, becoming mad, frustrated, or giving up
Means a small amount of money (similar to working for peanuts)
Means to sell a product quickly and easily due to popularity
Means to focus on working hard or purposefully
Means to have a partial ownership of a company or other business or to be somehow invested in something
Means to not be profitable or operating at a loss.
Means all inclusive, everything, everybody
Means to take timely advantage of an opportunity
Means to start something from “zero” and work up to the top
Means to subject someone or something through intense questioning, testing or scrutiny
Means to cover the cost or payment for something or someone
Means that there is a way of interpreting a law or a rule in order to get around doing the right thing
Means to spend, and usually waste, money on a solution to a problem
Means to be on a low budget with little money to invest
Means to be better, more successful or advanced than other companies
Means to start something over again
Means to earn the monetary value of what one’s professional value is
Means to increase the prices usually drastically
Means to go to the last minute to finish something
Means more value or a better pay off for the investment of money spent
Means to be very careful paying attention to every detail
Means to put the burden or blame for something on someone else
Means to promote a product usually with a famous celebrity
Means the signs and indicators, mostly negative, which predict what will happen
Means to do something off the record and illegally
Means to do mathematical calculations
Means to earn money for the family
Foot the bill
Ahead of the curve
Across the board
Corner the market
Put someone through the wringer
Fill the bill
In the red
Safe bet
Bring home the bacon
Gravy train
Worth his/her salt
In the black
Writing on the wall
Chicken feed
Last straw
Pass the buck
Dot your i’s and cross your t’s
Crunching numbers
In the loop / out of the loop
Work down to the wire
Strike while the iron is hot
Under the table
Plug a product
Put one’s nose to the grindstone
Jacking up the prices
From the ground up
Sell like hotcakes
Back to square one
Bang for the buck
Penny-wise and pound foolish
On a shoestring
Throw money at something
Have a stake in something