Come on, bud. There's a whole other of dragons out there. Unbelievable. What do you say? What should we name it? Itchy armpit it is. I bet you you know a lot about dragons. - Should I you? - No... But a mother never forgets. Every dragon has its . I'll show them all to you! Did you know about this? That's your ?! Now you know where I get my flair! He likes you. Something is . Something you've never faced before. - What's down there? - I alone control the dragons! Drago Bludvist is a madman. I'll bloody his fist with my face if he to take my dragon! Dad, there's something you to know. Oh, boy. I know what you're gonna say. You're as as the day I lost you. We're a team now. Now what do you want to do? Drago's coming for our dragons. We have to him. Together. Don't worry, bud. I'm not gonna let anything to you. You have the of a chief... That's my boy! ... and the of a dragon. You know that doesn't wash out. Cut them down! Dragon coming through! Heads up! We can't these things! They're babies! They don't to anyone. Take 'em down, babe! Come on, bud! Hold on! Distract the alpha! Have a nice ! Yeah, baby!