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The Pirate Fairy

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Fill the gaps with these words:
flying, heads, clockwork, garden, means, talents, animal, drown, alright, happened, know, captain, wind, water


What ?
I don't .
Is everyone ?
Your dress!
And that's my dress.
Do you realize what this ?
Somebody switched our !
No, no, no, no, somebody switched our !
Look at all this .
I didn't do anything. I just...
Tink! Could you stop not doing anything before we ?
You are a fast- fairy now.
And I'm a fairy.
Ew, Ew! Get 'em out! Get 'em out! Get 'em out!
Huh, looks like I am an fairy now.
If we like , just does like a sail.
-Pi...Pi... -Pirates